Saturday, 6 February 2010


Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh HELLOOOO. GOOD MORNING VIETNAAAAAAM. Excited to be here, i instantly have a good feeling about this place. Lots to do and see :) the vibe is cool too. My last day and night in cambodia was a good'un! Went and sorted out my visa, went for lunch and then to the russian market. Took a longgg walk back to Dina's went out for dinner which was our treat to say thanks for her hospitality then went to party with some of her friends. It was like hanging out with the asian sex and the city girls. Haha. Running off 3 hours sleep now though...back of a motocycle to the bus station this morning was a white knuckle ride...butt firmly clenched all the way hahaha. Bus journey and border crossing was alright but then the taxi driver who took us from the bus depot to find a hostel tried to palm me off like $30!! Nearly got messy but dodged that and found a cute little guesthouse to stay in...So just sitting in a cafe now and have, to my horror discovered that in the oppressive and communist country that is Vietnam access to facebook is blocked by the government! Load of B.S :( No pic uploading for a month and it does make contacting people infinitely harder...Guess i'll try and update this a bit more just to confirm my well being and everything. Super loves and hugs to Btown xxxxxxxx

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